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The Paradiesbrücke is a bridge crossing the river Mulde straight in direction of the city centre. It was built in 1900, when the old canopied timber bridge from the middle of the 17th century had to give way. The Paradiesbrücke is a steel rivet bridge that was constructed by the iron works “Queen Mary” in the urban district Cainsdorf. This bridge is the smaller equivalent to the steel rivet bridge “Blaues Wunder” in Dresden which also was constructed by the iron works “Queen Mary”. The Paradiesbrücke was extensively redeveloped in 2002. It almost was destroyed by the floods of the high-water in August 2002. Only by acting fast and cautiously the persons responsible could save the bridge from the deluge of water. Since the year 1980, when the “Glück-Auf-Brücke” was put into operation, it has been a technical monument and it has been used as a pedestrian bridge.

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