The Cathedral St. Marien is a famous late gothic hall church with valuable art-historical equipment.
Visits are possible from April to December daily from 10.00 till 18.00 o’clock and from January to March daily from 13.00 till 17.00 o’clock. The tower can be ascended from April to September, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 15.00 o’clock. Church services are held on Sundays at 10.30 and 18.00 o’clock, during the church services it is not possible to visit the church.
The tradition of Saxon church music is maintained with the numerous concerts in the cathedral.
The cathedral of Zwickau, known as the St. Marien church, developed before 1200. The original Romanesque basilica was rebuilt into a late gothic hall church between 1453 and 1565. Since the reformation in 1518, the Cathedral St. Marien has been evangelic. In 1520 Thomas Müntzer officiated here for half a year. And it is very likely that in 1522 Martin Luther preached in this chapel, while he visited Zwickau.
The cap of the tower was built by Joachim Marquard from 1671 till 1672. Because of this the building reached a height of about 87 metres. Although Zwickau never was the domicile of a bishop, St. Marien got the identification as “cathedral” in 1935. After the collapse of the “Third Reich”, some people wanted to withdraw this decision, but the inhabitants resisted since they wanted to keep their cathedral.
The Cathedral St. Marien testifies a changeful building history of 880 years. The area around the late gothic three-nave hall church lowered about 4 metres and moved about 1.30 metres in the direction of south east because of the coal mining. Today the evangelic Lutheran dome St. Marien is the ephoral church of the evangelic Lutheran deanery and the chapel of the evangelic Lutheran -parish of Zwickau.
Ev.-Luth. - parish of Zwickau
Domhof 10
08056 Zwickau
Phone: +49(0)375-2743510
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Cathedral St. Marien of Zwickau

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